The convention on Transit Trade of Land - Locked Countries embodies the principle of the freedom of the high seas for countries whose geographic situation provides them with no direct access to sea , i.e. they have no coastline . The Convention on they high sea states that the high seas are open to all nations , and no state make any part of them subject to sovereignty . In order to enjoy the freedom of sea on equal terms with coastal states , states having no sea coast should have free access to the sea . States situated between the sea and a land - locked state should allow it free transit through their territory ,, and should allow ships to the land - locked country treatment equal to that of their own ship regarding access and use of sea port .
Goods in transit should not be subject to duty , but charges may be levied to cover the expanses of supervision and administration entente by transit . The means of transport used for transit includes railway stock , sea - going and river vessels , road vehicle , Porters and pack animals , and pipelines etc. The means of Transport used should not be subjected to special taxes or charges higher then those levied on other transport in the coastal state .
The following operations should be allowed within the definition :-
1) Transhipment
2) Warehousing
3) Braking Bulk
4) Change in the mode of transport
The assembly , dis-assembly and re-assembly of machinery and bulk goods should also be permitted , provided it is necessary for their transport , but the coastal states are not obliged to provide for allow the construction and permanent facilities for assembly , dis-assembly and re-assembly .
The Contracting parties agree to provide adequate transport and handling equipment to move transit traffic without undue delay . They undertake to use simplified documentation and expeditious Customs procedures , and take all measures to avoid delays or restrictions to transit traffic . Free zones may be provided at ports of entry and exit in transit state .
No discrimination is to be exercised based on the place of origin , departure , entry , exit or destination , or relating to the ownership of the goods , or the place of registration or flag of vessels , vehicles or other means of Transport .
Goods in transit should not be subject to duty , but charges may be levied to cover the expanses of supervision and administration entente by transit . The means of transport used for transit includes railway stock , sea - going and river vessels , road vehicle , Porters and pack animals , and pipelines etc. The means of Transport used should not be subjected to special taxes or charges higher then those levied on other transport in the coastal state .
The following operations should be allowed within the definition :-
1) Transhipment
2) Warehousing
3) Braking Bulk
4) Change in the mode of transport
The assembly , dis-assembly and re-assembly of machinery and bulk goods should also be permitted , provided it is necessary for their transport , but the coastal states are not obliged to provide for allow the construction and permanent facilities for assembly , dis-assembly and re-assembly .
The Contracting parties agree to provide adequate transport and handling equipment to move transit traffic without undue delay . They undertake to use simplified documentation and expeditious Customs procedures , and take all measures to avoid delays or restrictions to transit traffic . Free zones may be provided at ports of entry and exit in transit state .
No discrimination is to be exercised based on the place of origin , departure , entry , exit or destination , or relating to the ownership of the goods , or the place of registration or flag of vessels , vehicles or other means of Transport .