The first Container Convention was produced in 1956 in Geneva for members of the Economic Commission for Europe and was extended in 1972 in Geneva to worldwide application . The new Convention is administrated by the Customs Co-operation council .
Its purpose is to facilitate the use of Containers in International Traffic . The contracting parties grant free temporary admission to containers subject to re-exportation when they are ;
----- imported loaded to be re-exported empty or loaded
----- imported empty to be re-exported loaded .
Containers have to be approved in compliance with technical conditions concerning construction and closing systems , including ;
----- external marking with owner's name and address , tare and identification ;
----- they have to be capable to simple and effective sealing ;
----- it must not be possible to introduce or remove any goods without breaking the seal or leaving traces of tampering .
----- there must be no spaces in which goods might be hidden ;
----- they must be readily accessible for Customs inspection ; a certificate of approval must be displayed on the outside ;
----- prescribed structural requirements ;
----- requirements relating to thee closing system .
Approval must by one contracting party should be accepted by other contracting parties . There is a right to refuse to recognize the approval of containers found not to meet the prescribed conditions , but traffic is not to be delayed only on account of minor defect when there is no risk to smuggling .
A period of 3 months temporary admission is allowed , but this can be extended if circumstances justify it .
Provision is made for damaged containers to remain in the country provided :
----- duty is paid on the value of the container taking its condition into account ;
----- the container is abandoned ;
----- it is destroyed under supervision at the owner's expense , and duty paid on the scrape value if any component parts imported for the repair of damages containers are admitted free to duty .