This Convention is administered by the Customs Co-operation Councils .
Its purpose is to facilitate the use of containers in international traffic . The contracting parties grant free temporary admission to containers subjected to re-exportation when they are ;
----- Imported loaded to be re-exported empty or loaded .
----- Imported empty to be re-exported loaded .
Containers have to be approved in compliance with technical conditions concerning construction and closing systems, including ;
----- External marking with owner's name and address , tare and identification;
----- They have to be capable to simple the effective sealing;
----- It must not be possible to introduce or remove any goods without breaking the seal or leaving trace of tampering .
----- There must be no space in which goods might be hidden;
----- They must be readily accessible for Customs inspection; a certificate of approval must be displayed on the outside .
----- Prescribed structural requirements;
----- Requirements relating to the closing system .
These are the main points regarding this .