In Logistics it is very important to choose a right INCO-Terms for your business. Here is a slide show about how to choose a right INCO- Terms if some conditions arise. It is my point of view for this case, may be your views are different. So it is my request to you that please write here your views also for this spacial case. Please write your views either in the comment box or join this site as a member and write your views like a member.
How To Apply Right INCO- Terms In Certain Case.

Author -
Ajit Mishra (CMILT)
September 01, 2017

Ajit Mishra (CMILT)
Ajit Kumar Mishra, CMILT, is a consultant of education, career and business solution in the field of logistics & supply chain. He is working online with his website "Join Study" across the world having students and clients globally. Join Study is the consultancy for education, career and business solution in the field of logistics & supply chain under his sole proprietorship.
Mr. Mishra is a chartered supply chain analyst and dedicated himself for skill development of logistics & supply chain professionals. He is also working as educational associate and faculty member of some management institutions and colleges.